The Summer

The Beach

The Summer Season

While the Club can be used for fishing in the Spring and Summer and hunting in the Fall. There is also the opportunity to use it during the summer for family outings, much like a cottage or resort.
The Club Lake is blessed with one of the most beautiful beaches in the northland … stretching nearly half a mile in length, across the northern end of the lake, this wonderful setting is an outstanding site for swimming, sunning and picnics on the beach.

Members have imported paddle boats, kayaks, small sailboats and windsurfers to add to their summer fun and Club Lake can brew up quite a blow from time to time.

Also located at one end of this beach is a recently refitted, but still rustic, three-room, 75 year old log cabin, approximately 18 ft by 25 ft, with a new 9 ft by 24 ft screened in porch facing the lake. This cabin is used in the Spring and Fall as a lunch site or as a shelter during storms. It is also used in the summer for more extended stays. There is an outhouse located near the cabin.

The Club maintains a circuit of trails and roads, some 25 miles or more, that provide access to the various lakes in the area. As well, these serve as hunting trails in the fall and nature trails for curious explorers during the Summer.

Snake creek, winding 7 miles down to the Ottawa River, offers an interesting route for those wishing to get closer to nature. Snake Creek also flows into Club Lake from the Northeast and offers several miles of canoeing in this direction as well. All the lakes offer excellent canoeing or kayaking opportunities.

All visitors to the Club, members and guests, must have the correct Quebec resident or non-resident Fishing and Hunting Licenses, the correct Federal Firearms Licenses and all must obey the relevant Quebec Fishing and Hunting Regulations.